Director's Message

“If you are planning for a year, plant crops. If you are planning for a decade, plant trees. But if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people”. – Chinese Proverb.

I extend my warm welcome to all the alumni and the future Stephenians to the family of St. Stephen’s Higher Secondary School (SSHSS). St. Stephen’s Higher Secondary School, Dimapur, is a blissful learning environment full of positive energy the minute one enters our school gates. The camaraderie of the staffs and pupils is what makes our school very distinct.

The world has changed immensely since our school welcomed its first pupils in 1989, but our vision and mission to foster exceptional individuals remains vital even now as it was then. It is our responsibility to prepare the young learners to face life’s challenges with valour. The experience that we have prepared for them in this institution sees that every pupil has a rigorous and well-balanced curricular and co-curricular activity to enhance and develop themselves in an all-around Academics, Creativity, and Service approach education. We are pleased to announce that after having completed our silver jubilee, our school has shaped surplus individuals who are doing every bit for our society.

To prepare our pupils to enter the competitive world, we build their capacity to collaborate, turn their dreams and ideas into something valuable and take intellectual risks. It is our aspiration that when our pupils graduate, they are equipped to contribute to our great nation and adapt themselves in any profession that they are a team of because, after all, life is a team sport.

- Dr. R. Francis